Michael Bolin's 6.170 Recitation

This web site is for members of the recitation that I am teaching for 6.170 Spring 2004. The recitation meets Thursday mornings from 10-11am in 26-210. Here you will find recitation notes as well as links to software development tools that I consider important.
Recitation Notes
2/5 Recitation 1
2/12 Recitation 2
2/19 Recitation 3
2/26 Recitation 4
3/4 Recitation 5
Comments on Problem Sets
Problem Set 0
Problem Set 1
Problem Set 3
Things I Recommend
Software You Should Install
Books You Should Own
Web Sites You Should Use
If you have a Java problem, there are a number of good sites out there with helpful articles or well-maintained message boards. Here are some that I like:
  • Java Technology Forums Personally, I have often found answers to my Java questions on Sun's Java Forums. My only disappointment is when I find that someone has posted the exact question that I have, but no one has posted an answer.
  • JavaWorld This site often has good articles with how-tos. When I research a Java problem using Google, I often find the answer on this site.
Note: I concede that two links is not a lot. More are on the way, I assure you!

©2004 Michael Bolin