Michael Bolin's 6.170 Recitation

This web site is for members of the recitation that I am teaching for 6.170 Spring 2004. The recitation meets Thursday mornings from 10-11am in 26-210. Here you will find recitation notes as well as links to software development tools that I consider important.
Recitation Notes
2/5 Recitation 1
2/12 Recitation 2
2/19 Recitation 3
2/26 Recitation 4
3/4 Recitation 5
Comments on Problem Sets
Problem Set 0
Problem Set 1
Problem Set 3
Things I Recommend
Software You Should Install
Books You Should Own
Web Sites You Should Use
This is a list of the pieces of software that I would recommend installing on any computer where you do software development. Most importantly, note that all of the software listed on this page is FREE!

For general software development, you should have at least the following tools (or some equivalent):

But for Java development, I recommend that you should take advantage of:

  • Eclipse You can use Eclipse to develop in languages other than Java – try out the following plugins and see!
    • pydev Eclipse plugin that I use for writing Python code since it keeps my whitespace straight, does keyword higlighting, and provides red, wavy underlines where syntax errors occur. Unfortunately, it does not allow me to comment or uncomment a region. Yet.
    • Colorer For some reason, Eclipse does not provide syntax highlighting for HTML or XML files by default. The Colorer plugin provides syntax highlighting for a variety of file types, and also lets you substitute spaces for tabs in any file you use it to color.
    • JSEditor An Eclipse editor for JavaScript. It's not too fancy, but I find it helpful.
  • Ant
  • log4j
  • JUnit

Further, if you are creating a GUI in Java, you should also know about the following:

As far as team communication is concerned, you may want to consider some of these tools:

If you develop on Windows like I do (why? because I like having the Google Toolbar and the MS Office suite, that's why), then I recommend installing the following tools:

©2004 Michael Bolin