Constant Field Values


public static final int ASKED_IF_WANTS_TO_PLAY 1
public static final int DOES_NOT_EXIST -1
public static final int GAME_OVER 16
public static final int IN_GAME 32
public static final int IN_GAME_WAITING 64
public static final int NEGOTIATING_NUM_ROUNDS 4
public static final int WAITING_FOR_OPPONENT 2
public static final int WAITING_FOR_OPPONENT_NUM_ROUNDS 8

public static final String ASK_NUM_ROUNDS_MESSAGE "\nNow you must request the number of rounds of the Prisoner\'s Dilemma that you would like to play. I will take your request and your opponent\'s request into account, and then I will decide the number of rounds that will be played. The number of rounds to be played will be known only to me.\nPlease request the number of rounds you would like to play (1-10):"
public static final String ASK_TO_PLAY_AGAIN_MESSAGE "\nWould you like to play another game of the Prisoner\'s Dilemma against a new opponent? <b>(y/n)</b>"
public static final String ASK_TO_PLAY_MESSAGE "\nWould you like to play a game of the Prisoner\'s Dilemma against the next person who logs in? <b>(y/n)</b>"
public static final String CHOICE_ALREADY_ENTERED_MESSAGE "\nYou have already entered a valid choice for this round. \nPlease wait until your opponent has entered his or her choice."
public static final String CONFUSED_MESSAGE "\nI\'m sorry -- I did not understand your response"
public static final String DOES_NOT_WANT_TO_PLAY_MESSAGE "\nI\'m sorry to hear that you don\'t want to play.\nI\'m not much of a conversationalist. Good bye."
public static final String FINDING_AN_OPPONENT_MESSAGE "\nI\'m glad that you want to play!\nPlease wait while I find you an opponent..."
public static final String FOUND_OPPONENT_MESSAGE "\nI found an opponent for you!"
public static final String HELP_MESSAGE "\n? - prints this help message\nn - respond \'no\' to a question\ny - respond \'yes\' to a question\n\nWHEN PLAYING THE GAME:\nc - cooperate\nd - defect\n"
public static final String INTRODUCTORY_MESSAGE "\nHello, I am a robot who facilitates games of the Prisoner\'s Dilemma.\n\nWould you like to play a game of the Prisoner\'s Dilemma against the next person who logs in? <b>(y/n)</b>\n(You can type \'?\' if you need help at any time.)"
public static final int MAX_ROUNDS 10
public static final String MESSAGE_FROM_OPPONENT_DISCLAIMER "\n<b>Your opponent sent you the following message:</b> "
public static final int MIN_ROUNDS 1
public static final String NUM_ROUNDS_BOUNDS_ERROR_MESSAGE "\nYou did not enter a number of rounds between 1 and 10."
public static final String NUM_ROUNDS_ENTERED_MESSAGE "\nYou have entered a valid number of rounds. The game will start right after your opponent enters a valid number of rounds."
public static final String NUM_ROUNDS_NAN_ERROR_MESSAGE "\nYou did not enter a number.\n"
public static final String WAITING_FOR_OPPONENT_CHOICE_MESSAGE "\nPlease wait until your opponent has entered his or her choice."

protected static final String B1 "buddy1"
protected static final String B2 "buddy2"
protected static final String NO "n"
protected static final String YES "y"

protected static final String INSERT_GAME "INSERT INTO game VALUES (nextval(\'seq_game\'), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
protected static final String INSERT_MATRIX "INSERT INTO matrix VALUES (nextval(\'seq_matrix\'), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
protected static final String INSERT_PLAYER "INSERT INTO player VALUES (nextval(\'seq_player\'), ?)"
protected static final String INSERT_ROUND "INSERT INTO round VALUES (nextval(\'seq_round\'), ?, ?, ?, ?)"
protected static final String LAST_GAME_ID "SELECT last_value FROM seq_game"
protected static final String LAST_MATRIX_ID "SELECT last_value FROM seq_matrix"
protected static final String LAST_PLAYER_ID "SELECT last_value FROM seq_player"
protected static final String SELECT_MATRIX "SELECT id FROM matrix WHERE c1 = ? AND c2 = ? AND c3 = ? AND c4 = ? AND c5 = ? AND c6 = ? AND c7 = ? AND c8 = ?"
protected static final String SELECT_PLAYER "SELECT id FROM player WHERE name = ?"