Package com.bolinfest.prisonerbot

A collection of data structures used to describe an iterative Prisoner's Dilemma game.


Interface Summary
Manager Manager is the brains of the PrisonerBot operation.
MessageProxy MessageProxy is a class responsible for sending messages to buddies.
PayoffMatrix PayoffMatrix tells the payoff for each player for every permutation of player choices.
UnmodifiableGame UnmodifiableGame is an unmodifiable view of a Game.

Class Summary
AbstractMessageProxy AbstractMessageProxy is an Abstract implementation of MessageProxy where sendMessage() does not send the message -- it puts the message in a queue of messages to be sent.
Buddy Buddy is a dumb class that holds information about a Buddy.
Choice Choice is a typesafe enumeration of the choices available to each Player.
ConfigParser ConfigParser is a parser for the PrisonerBot configuration file.
DefaultManager DefaultManager is an implementation of the Manager interface.
Iteration Iteration is a record of one iteration of the Prisoner's Dilemma.
ManagerTest ManagerTest is a JUnit test of the Manager interface.
ManagerTest.NullProxy NullProxy is a MessageProxy that simulates sending messages online.
SimpleIterativeGame SimpleIterativeGame is an abstract data type containing the details of an iterated Prisoner's Dilemma game.
SimplePayoffMatrix SimplePayoffMatrix is a simple PayoffMatrix that can be created from an array of integers.

Package com.bolinfest.prisonerbot Description

A collection of data structures used to describe an iterative Prisoner's Dilemma game.