Striving for software that lets us forget about computers.


In my senior year of high school, I started an Ultimate Frisbee league in New Jersey called NJHSU (New Jersey High School Ultimate). I was the director of the league for two years, but then I found it difficult to administer the New Jersey league from MIT, so I demoted myself to webmaster.

I created a web site that allowed teams to report the scores of their games (it would email the director when two teams did not report the same score for the same game – surprisingly, this happened rather often). The site automatically updated the standings when teams reporting scores that agreed, as well as a number of other things. Unfortunately, it became a bit of a mess (as PHP code is wont to do), so the site is not up right now. When I find the time, I would like to get the site up and running again.

However, I am proud to report that the league is still going strong, and that there are now three times as many teams as there were originally. NJHSU will start its 7th season in the spring of 2005.

©2004 Michael Bolin »