FireLuckyBox for Firefox


Why did you choose such a lousy shortcut?
Because all of the good shortcuts were already taken. I really wanted to make it control+enter, but Firefox automatically does a regular web search when enter is pressed in the search box, and unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to override it.

Can I choose my own shortcut?
Not at the moment. If enough people protest, then I'll make the shortcut configurable through the preferences dialog. I was really hoping to make this the smallest Firefox extension ever, so I'd really like to avoid any paths that could lead to feature creep.

Can I get the source code for FireLuckyBox?
Sure. It's available in both tar and zip formats. You can build the extension yourself using Ant.

Is adding a keyboard shortcut really all this extension does?
Yes. I also tried to package an overaly that would make the search box resizable; however, I was unsuccessful in doing so. I find the narrow search box quite frustrating, and I believe that Jakob Nielsen would share my woes (see Designing Web Usability, page 233).

©2004 Michael Bolin »